Definition Of Political Science

In a learned discourse, definition of a subject of study comes after it has been first properly explained. But in a textbook it is customary to begin with the definition of the discipline, so that its students may have some idea of what they are going to study. Is especially necessary for beginners. This is the reason why we shell first define political Science before we explain its nature, scope, importance and other aspects. Political Science was defined in two different but interrelated ways, namely (i) study of the political institutions, the State or government, and (ii) study of the phenomenon of power or force in human society.

In the beginning, political Science has been defined as a systematic study of the political institution of the state or government Dr. Stephen Leacock says simply that political science deals with government, Professor G.W. Garner says “Political science begins and ends with the State” .A French author, PauI Janet, write that Political Science is that “part of social sciences which treats of the foundations of the state and the principles of government.,, The Swiss writer. BIuntschli defines political. Science as “the science which is concerned with the state and endeavors to Understand and comprehend the state in its fundamental condition, in its essential nature, its various forms of manifestations and its development.

Later, Professor G.E.G. Catlin approached the study of political Science from the standpoint of power. “AII politics’’, he writes “is by its nature power politics’’ Accordingly, he defines political science as ‘the Science of’’ organized power in all communities’’. Again he says. “politics is a study of all the plurals” of the objective control of the relations of human beings and wills’’ He adds further, “social activities, such as free play and art, not involving control, lie outside the primary ambit of politics.’’

Since the end of the Second World War (1939-45), political science has been defined as an empirical and functional science. It is a new approach to the study of this science. (We shall study various approaches to this science later on) Harold D. Lasswell. An American political scientist declares that political science is primarily concerned with the question; “who gets what, when and how? Accordingly he defines it’’ an impartial discipline, as the study of the shaping and sharing of power’’. He adds further that it is a science of ’’a political act performed in power Perspective.” David Easton, another American political scientist. Has approached political science in strictly behavioral terms. He defines political science as “the study of those actions more or less directly related to the making of authoritative allocations of resources and values.”

The two kinds of definitions of political science descried really two interrelated aspects of politics, viz. Power and state and government. Power is the central organizing factor in politics, while government or stat is its basic operational structure. In conclusion, we may define political science as a systematic.

Study of the state or government, which is a power structure making Security, and development and external defense.


    1. Lyman Affelt
    2. Resham Saba
    3. Resham Saba

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