Derivation Of The Term Politics

The tem “politics” is derived from the word “polls” of the ancient Greek language. The word “polis” means a City state. It was the form of the state which the ancient Greeks had in their country. All the activities and affairs of the City-state were called by them as “politics”.

The ancient Greeks also undertook a close study of these affairs and activities of their City-state, which also they called “Politics.”Aristotle (384-322 B.C), one Of the famous Greek philosophers, was the first thinker to make a systematic study of the life-and activities in the city-stats of his country in his well-known book, entitled “politics”.

Thus he became the founder of the science of politics. Although politics always remained an important subject- matter of study by countless thinkers, writers and philosophers after the ancient Greeks, the term “Political science” came into usage at the end of the nineteenth century, for reasons which we shall explain later on.


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