Experimentation Of A Definite Kind Possible Political Science

Although scientific experiment, like that of a laboratory researcher, is not possible in Political Science, yet practical experimentation, that is, collecting data and results by observations of actual working of political institutions and experience of the laws and policy of the State, is possible in it. In fact, this is done everywhere in political life and study.

All government activities are in fact political experiments. The enactment of every new law, the establishment of every new institution, the inauguration of every new policy, is experimental because it is made more or less permanent when proved by its results. Thus every new constitution is an experiment. All the States of the world are the laboratories for a political scientist, where experiments, great or small, are going on all the time.

We can observe these experiments and draw general principles from them for future guidance. In present times, such political experiments are deliberately undertaken by Statesmen and by political parties and leaders. It is for example proposed, in Pakistan to experiment with Parliamentary democracy. One of the greatest experiments in political science is made in the Soviet Union, China and other communist countries, where a new society and State are built on the teachings of Communist philosophy of Marx and Lenin. So, we conclude that though (the experimental method as applied in Physics and Chemistry is inapplicable, nevertheless there is a wide field of experimentation of a definite kind in Political Science.


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