How Tehreek-E-Insaf Can Generate Fund?

I have seen on the Tehreek-e-Insaf website that more than 2300 members pay $10 per month and this helps PTI in generating fund. I suggest that PTI should ask its supporters in Pakistan to help them in generating fund. Every member of 80022 can easily contribute 10 rupees per month. According to Imran Khan there are 350000 members than through this service 3.5 million rupees per month will be collected and also on facebook where PTI is very popular a mobile code can be given where people can send message which will give 10 rupees to PTI.

I hope that my message will be given to the concerned department of Tehreek-e-Insaf. This will also help in quieting PTI opponents if they raise their voice on PTI funds.


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