How to deal with House Maids? (India, Pakistan Related Issues)

I have learnt from my neighbor that my maid is carrying tales about me to him, since she also works for him. She tells them about the fact that I won’t cook my own food or make my own bed or wash my clothes (i pay her for this hence don’t see the need to do it myself..can do it myself if required)..and tells them about how much and what I’m eating etc. Apparently she is in the habit of doing this about other people too. I don’t get to know because I work the entire week and usually go off on Saturdays so I hardly see her much except to give her some instructions.

I can’t fire her because she’s employed by my landlady and shared by the tenants living in the compound (landlady pays her for basic jharu poncha and bathroom cleaning for all tenants, and everyone who wants her to do something additional pays her separately as per requirement). I have zero tact and zero experience of handling such things but I really want her to know this isn’t acceptable and I will not tolerate it. Ladies who handle maids, advice please?

Answers and solutions given by people:

I guess u should take her separately and ask her that the additional work I am asking u to do for me.. M I the only one getting benefitted?? ( if she is doing some additional work and getting paid by u separately )
Maids never want to stop additional income..
And indirectly say her. M planning to do rest of my work by my own.. let her be in the fear. Because if u directly ask her..She will give u unexpected response

Ignore but give her an attitude to let her know u know what kind of person she is and make sure she is doing her job. Her opinion shoud not bother you or even the gossips she creates.

This is a universal problem. You and your neighbors need to develop the “no tolerance for bakwas” culture. If she talks to you about your neighbors (even if she does it only Saturday) tell her to immediately stop and threaten her with dire consequences if she talks about other people to you. Communicate to her this way that gossip is not appreciated and that the compound will collectively fire you. You can’t do this alone. Talk to your neighbors and tell them to do the same. She tells the neighbor because he listens. I’ve spoken to all women where my maid works and have been successful in developing this culture in our compound. No more gossiping maids.

Hmmm almost everyone has given u the right and appropriate response … Yes generally maids do it even they can trigger fight between sas bahus and i have personally experienced this with lots of my friends…Just be patience and understanding about it .. While ignoring her do check is she does it by instinct for every one or for u only… For that u may talk to the neighbor and than corner her that u don’t want to listen this BS in future but communicate this message to her while holding ur nerves no loose talk and do it assertively …Let’s see what happens .. 

 I have never dealt with maids all by myself ever until now. It’s been 3 months and it’s tough as hell. If a maid is accustomed to gossiping, then you can’t stop her and as you can’t fire her, just keep saying her every now and then how you hate people and maids who gossip etc (indirectly and sarcastically of course).

This question was asked on Facebook group and was answered there by different people.

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