Kashmiri Language

The Kashmiri Language is spoken in the valley of Kashmir and the surronding hills. There is also a small settlement of Kashmiri speaking in the Punjab which is permanent. Besides slight variations in the valley itself, Kashmiri has three famous distinct dialects-Sulaimanki, Gandhoro and Gami. In the south of the valley there are also three or four mixed dialects leading in to Punjabi. However, Gandhoro dialect is considered as standard for literature.

Kashmiri is a mixed form of speech. By origin it is a Dardic language, but it has become predominantly Indo-Aryan in character. The Hapgy Valley has received numerous immigrants from neighbouring areas and reflecting the history of the area, the Kashmiri vocabulary is mixed, containing Dardic, Sanskrit, Punjab & Persian elements. Religious difference are evident in vocabulary & choice of alphabet.


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