Leather And Cutlery Industry Of Pakistan

Leather Industry:

In a large number of small cities of Punjab leather industry has well developed in which suit cases, table lamps, flower vases, foot wear (shoes, chappals, sandals) are made.

The Punjab Small Industries Institute has been established in which leather technology is taught and practical training is provided on modern lines. In Punjab leather goods are made in Lahore, Lahore, Sialkot, Sheikhupura and Multan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa leather industry is flourishing in Peshawar and Swat.

In Baluchistan tanning of leather is done on a large scale, large quantities of leather goods are exported and foreign exchange is earned.

Cutlery Industry:

This industry is established side by side with surgical industry in Sialkot, Wazirabad and Wazirabad using the same kind of raw material. This industry manufacture spoon, forks, knives and other kitchen utensils and other stain less articles which are of export oriented quality. They are largely exported to earn foreign exchange.


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