Mobile Snatching near Safari Boulevard, Gulistan-e-Johar

Something going extremely wrong all over Karachi, especially in Gulistan-e-Jahur area. Please be very careful near the service road turning of Safari Boulevard just next to Euphorbia Park. I saw 4 muggers stopped a family driving in Suzuki Bolan (High-roof) and looted everyone in that vehicle.

Those 4 men were armed and seem to be well trained in handling weapons. Please be very careful and do not carry huge cash and expensive phones at night. If you want to carry then do not stop your vehicle if anybody tries to stop you. Just move ahead in full speed and if any mugger comes under your vehicle, just go home and sleep and pray to Allah that you and your assets were safe.

This service road is the favorite for the muggers especially at night because not a single street light is turned on. Even at morning 11am witnessed a snatching here.

The above comments were made on Facebook group. 

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