Nationalism Versus Internationalism

Yet another problem which confronts the modern State and its future, is the two opposite tendencies of nationalism and internationalism .The problem has arisen due to several reasons, viz., the subjugation of the under-developed countries by the industrially advanced colonial empires of the West; the intemationalistic tendencies of certain political philosophies, such as socialism and communism; and, above all, the international trends of modem science, technology, industry and thought.

They are knitting the nations and countries of the whole world into a single unit, and promote the interdependence of the national and countries of the world. On the other hand, the tendency towards nationalism and national independence has been given a fillip by the recognition of the right of self-determination of people. Many new nations have achieved independence and self-government on the basis of this right in recent times in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Nationalism and internationalism are powerful influences which often pull in opposite directions. Nevertheless, future alone can tell whether or not these two divergent tendencies in the world politics would ultimately lead the world to world-State or world federation based on national units. If so, it is quite possible that with the establishment of the world State; the State may begin to wither away, as it has been prophesied by the Anarchists and Communists.

This view is based on some sound reasons. A world-State would put an end to war and violence for all times. It will also reconcile the interests of all nations, which produce so much tension and animosity among them and increase the power, influence and functions of the modem State. With a world federation, war, arms race and aggressive foreign policy, aggressive foreign trade and many other causes of aggressive State policy would cease to exist. Such a culmination of the centuries-old evolution of the State would be the beginning of the end of the State.


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