Our Role For The Progress And Prosperity Of Pakistan

Pakistan is a blessing of God to the Muslims of the subcontinent especially and all the Muslims of the world generally. From the very first day of its creation, the enemies of Islam are making all attempts to wipe out Pakistan from the map of the world. We got this country by making great sacrifices.

We should, therefore, fulfill our responsibilities honestly and efficiently to make Pakistan strong and prosperous. We should work hard. Without hard work we cannot make Pakistan strong a prosperous. We should try to get a good education. As without education, no nation can make progress.

We should build a national spirit by being above ethnicity and regionalism and feel proud of being Pakistanis. We should try to become self-reliant in every field of life. We can get rid of foreign loans and become free from all pressures.


    1. don
      • Malik Misbah
    2. Zahoor Hussain
    3. shabbw
    4. Sufyan ulhaq
    5. haya
    6. Tazbeha123

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