Rainy Season In Pakistan

Rainy season Pakistan (July to September) On the plaints average temperatures in the month of July/August varies from and the temperature. The low pressure which started building up in the hot season over lower Punjab and Sindh is now fully developed. This low pressure incidentally is the lowest or the deepest of the low pressure located during this period in the sub-continent.

Thus in the month of July lowest (994.7 millibars) pressure is found around Multan or 996.0 millibars, near Lahore and or (997.7 millibars) southward Karachi. As low pressure prevails over the land and comparatively high pressure over the neighbouring cooler waters, so to fill up the gap of low pressure found on the land, the cooler heavier air from high pressure areas of the ocean, known as summer monsoon, brings rainfall in our country.

Now the high pressure is located on the Arabian Sea as water always flows from high level to low level winds blow from high pressure to low pressure.



    1. Pamula Flemm
    2. sejour aux maldives tout compris

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