Self Directed Learning – HR Horizons

Have you ever built a bookcase? Picked up an instrument? Or taught yourself a new software package? You have probably done something of the sort. Almost every one, at one time or another, is a self-directed learner. And with ‘quick learner’ and ‘independent worker’ finding their way into every job description’ the idea has finally come of age in the business world.

At the work Place. Self directed learning (SDL) may be self-initiated or suggested by a boss or colleague. For example, if your supervisor noticed that you are having a problem with a particular software, he may ask you to “brush up your skills”. As work place training is not always an option, SDL is the best way to ensure you are on an equal (or higher) footing than the rest of your team.

The steps: 1. Identify learning needs. 2. Creating learning goals. 3. Determine learning resources and use them to achieve learning goals. 4. Evaluate learning outcomes.

Avenues such as video tutorials and self-help guides on the internet or books that cover the topic can help a self-directed learner. Asking a colleague for guidance on how to get started or help with a particularly complicated lesson can also help achieve learning goals.

The attitude. The key idea behind SDL is learner responsibility. Once a skill gap is discovered, a proactive attitude can make it disappear by asking the right questions and learning what needs to be known.

In many ways, SDL is a reaction to ‘training’, which can often be slow, text box oriented and demonstrate few ways of translating into better job performance. Of course, that doesn’t mean SDL only promotes individuals and not teams- by involving other resources including coaches or mentors who can test objectives, a culture of SDL can be promoted where by employees go the extra mile in filling skills gaps while the organization tests whether the new found knowledge results in practical performance.

By S Ali Anis

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