The Free Society of Anarchism

Most of the Anarchists are vague about the kind of anarchist society that will arise after the destruction of the State. Only Kropothin has given a more detailed picture of it in his books: “The Conquest of bread” and “Anarchist Communist”, as described below:

Its social organisation.

According to Kropothin, in the anarchist society, free association will prevail. “Society will be organised as a hierarchy of voluntary bodies, beginning with the simple and working upwards to the complex.” There will be no distinction of race, colour, nationality or creed. There will also be no government and no political authority to organise the society. Firstly, persons in the same locality with the same ends and needs will voluntarily combine into simple groups and then these groups will combine into larger and more complex associations on the same basis of freedom and voluntary contract.

Finally these associations and leagues will extend to the whole country and even to the whole world. These groups and associations will be organised for various purposes, according to the actual needs and desires. “A complex interweaving of associations with order everywhere and compulsion nowhere forms the stuff of which an Anarchist society will be made.”

Its economic organisation.

Economically the new order will be one of complete communism. Everything will be owned in common by the society whether it is an article of production or of consumption. The production and distribution of the socially—owned wealth will be organised on the basis of voluntary contracts. Land and other instruments of production will be worked by those persons who like to work either individually or collectively. People will enter into productive associations formed on such a contract: “We are ready to guarantee to you the use of our houses, stores, streets, means of transportation, schools, museums, etc., on the condition that from your twentieth to your forth-fifth or fiftieth year you apply four or five hours a day to some work recognised as necessary for life.

As regards distribution, the products will be shared by those who work or are willing to work, but distribution will be on the basis of need and not work. Every labourer will be permitted to satisfy freely his needs from all that is abundant. Scarce goods will also be distributed according to needs, with priority for children, the aged and the weak.

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