Theories of Imperialism

There are many theories to explain the origin and nature of Imperialism. We shall here deal with two of them; viz., the racial theory, and the Marxist theory of Imperialism They are described as below;

Missionary or Superiority or Racial Theory of Imperialism.

Imperialism is a complex political phenomenon and can be explained from different angles; such as from the standpoint of the Imperialist power, or that of the subject nation or as a historical event. The racial theory is an explanation of this phenomenon from the standpoint of the imperialist nations and powers. Obviously, it is enunciated differently by the various writers, for each nation and writer regards his State or society differently.

Whatever their differences may be all agree that their own national character, culture or civilisation is inherently superior to the races, cultures and civilisations of other nations. Hence it is cither a “gift of God” or a “Law of nature”; that the superior or better nation, race or culture, “better blood” or the like must expand and conquer the “inferior” races, nations and cultures. A superior nation or race or culture has a “mission” to preserve and expand itself over all other “inferior” ones. Such is the superior end of human existence and the “Will of God”.

Imperialism is nothing but the fulfilment of this ‘mission’ and of the right of independent existence which belongs to the better peoples of the world to expand and fill “God’s earth’ with superior people race or culture. These claims of superiority and domination are also justified on the basis of “blood” or colour, or climate or creed. Thus the British writers like Seeley. Benjamin Ridd, Joseph Chamberlain, Rudyard Kipling, and others explained British Imperialism as a manifestation of the superiority of the British nation and colour. The German writers usually laid stress upon their race or culture and considered Imperialism as racial phenomenon or a “kulturkampl” or culture- struggle.

The American writers consider imperialism as a “matter of destiny” of course, of America alone to dominate others, “as certain as the advent of spring or summer” which it is futile to resist or struggle against as an “idle contention against cosmic law.” The French writers emphasise this superiority in terms of culture, thought, art and language Whatever their differences of emphasis and explanation, all agree that the superior people are the better people and that their domination and exploitation of the weak and inferior people is justified by laws of nature, God and history They must cither exterminate the backward peoples or teach to “the lesser breads without the law” the blessings of superior and advanced civilisation and culture.

They assert that by imperialist domination and exploitation will raise human civilisation and progress to higher stages The “missionary” or superiority theory of Imperialism is not new. It was expounded by the writers and historians of the past to explain the phenomena of military conquest and rule of the conquerors, of the cities, tribes and peoples of the past. What its modem European exponents have done is to give it a “scientific” appearance by reference to geographical’ or biological facts and ‘laws’ and theories, like that of Darwinism. But in spite of the “scientific” complexion of this theory, the fact remains that the “superiority” of the nation, race or culture is an accident of history and not something inherent in it.

Moreover, this theory is a one-sided, partial explanation of Imperialism, for which reason it acquires the nature of a ‘myth’ and ‘big lie’, dinned into the ears of the imperialist and subject peoples for the purpose of edifying the former and demoralising the subject people and enslaving them. Lastly, it justifies militarism and condemns greater part of humanity to slavery, misery and poverty. It is not based on the higher and nobler ideals and values of human life and history.

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