Traditional Concept Of The State

The ethical concept of the ancient Greeks. The ancient Greeks were tfie first people in world history who had systematically thought about the nature and the purpose of the State, which they called polis or City State. Their concept of the State was ethical; they believed that it existed to realise good. As Aristotle said, the State came into being to make life possible; it continues to exist to make it good. According to the Greeks, the State was an ethical society; its aim was to make man’s life good and perfect. The good life could be attained by education equal and full participation in all activities of the State by its citizens.

The ancient Greeks did not believe in the present-day dichotomy of the individual versus the State. For them, the individual was an integral part of the State, which existed for the development of the self or personality of each citizen. This could be achieved by full participation and integration with the State. Pedicles, one of the founders of Athenian democracy, said, “An Athenian citizen does not neglect the State because he takes care of his own house¬hold; and even those of us who are engaged in business have a very fair idea of politics. We alone regard a man who takes no interest in public affairs, not as a harmless, but as a useless character, and if few of us are originators, we are all sound judges of policy.”

Some of the moral principles or virtues which the Greeks upheld were justice, moderation (sophrosyne) pursuit of truth, honesty, duty to the State, patriotism, etc. Justice for the Greeks was not a legal dispensation but righteousness. It was a supreme political virtue. It maintained the State, Moderation, which the Greeks called sophrosyne, meant not to go to extreme in all matters, personal or political. It was the virtue of the Golden Mean, as Aristotle called it Pursuit of truth was sought on the basis of rational thinking or logic. Honesty was found in interpersonal behaviour. Duty towards one’s city-State was regarded by the ancient Greeks as a supreme virtue. It was the essence of patriotism. But it was also the source of the quarrels and wars among the various Greek city-States.


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