You And The Internet Of Things (IoT) – Technology

People have been talking about the wonders of the Internet of Things (loT) ever since the term was first coined by Kevin Ashton, a British technologist, in 1999. However, the loT was limited to video games and sci-fi movies – such as The Matrix – until recently when the growth of social networks and web – enable devices , including smartphones and tablets , have made the loT reality.
The loT assigns virtual identities to physical objects – be it your phone ,tablets, household appliance and a host of other electronic devices and then via wireless technologies (wifi and bluetooth, there by allowing them to ‘communicate’ with each other and be controlled by their owner. \

Here is how loT can improve the quality of your life:
●At home. Smart appliances are increasingly available, be it refrigerators or air- conditioners that come equipped with microchips. Smart fridges can update you on which favorite food items need to be restocked, while smart ACs, lights and fans can be managed remotely.

●At work. An increasing number of factory owner are now embedding industrial equipment with data monitoring and transmitting sensors. These sensor predict the occurrence of machinery malfunction and breakdowns and send emergency notifications to operating personnel immediately costs but improving work place safety as well.

●For your health.  Your doctor can now remotely monitor your pulse, blood pressure, and the functioning of artificial implants through sensor which usually communicate with your phone or tablet. Furthermore,  loT based wearable heart monitors are now available in Pakistan,  as well as sensors that track vital health indicators and then transmit the data to your physician, who will then adjust medication dosage accordingly, and provide online consultations.

By Nizar Diamond Ali

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