China Imposing Additional Taxes on American Products

American President Donald Trump is escalating his ongoing trade war with china and threat imposes additional import and export tarrif in the form of additional products to $200 billion of Chinese products.

The proposed 10 percent additional tariff will be imposed on number of Chinese products including fish, vegetables, coal, and handbags. The proposed tariff will be subject to its trade requirement.

Now In response to new tariff China immediately impose its own tariff of same weight on American products. China has announced $60 billion additional taxes impose on American products.

According to the Government of China additional taxes will be imposed on American products ratio from 5 to 25 percent.

China’s Commerce Ministry spokesman told that china is ready for further restrictions which are imposed by America. China will save their people respects wealth, objectives, liberal trade regime and its management. China is trying hard to resolve issues with America through table talk.

By Talha Pasha

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