Hospital Treatment Charges Are High in Pakistan & Everywhere

hospital-emergencyDo any of you people even know how much it costs the hospital to treat a critical patient? It is expensive in Pakistan and everywhere. Very expensive. NO matter what part of the world you are in. The hospital has to incur costs. Its not like they can just start treating you. It’s a system and one has to follow it.

It might be corrupt, there might even be the precedent of trying to lootu a patient which is horrible (that is a different philosophical debate) But don’t just assume hospital staff will treat you if you can’t bear the necessary cost. That’s how it works EVERYWHERE in the world.

One person added:

I partly agree with you as the rules are there in most parts of the world but not everywhere! Here in the England.  If the patient needs to be treated in emergency, I repeat if the case is of urgent sort patients do get the treatment immediately and they are asked to make the payment at the time but for some reason if they cannot make the immediate payment the hospital will ask for a written undertaking to pay – which I believe this man was asking as a good will gesture as not everyone has such amount present straight in their accounts.

Mostly any hospital will demand a deposit (charges) of such sort before admitting. Since these are private institutions and unless anyone here is willing to pay their bills, they will remain for profit.

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