Human Resources – Important Information

Human resource and other resources have their independent and separate value as well as utility. But these resources are interdependent.Human beings have a number of needs for living which include necessities of life like food, clothing and shelter. Similarly, some comforts and luxuries are part of human needs but rank after the necessities of life.

These needs can only be fulfilled with the help of other resources, which include agricultural and mineral resources. To discover and obtain benefit from their resources, human efforts play an important part. If human knowledge, expertise and labour are excluded, the fruits of other resources cannot be obtained. The natural resources of oil, gas, gold etc have been converted into wealth and given value because man discovered them and used them for its benefits.

On the other hand, human life without these resources would these resources would have been charmless and even survival of human beings would have been impossible. So human resources and other resources are interdependent.



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