Conducting Effective Panel Interviews (HR)

An HR practice gaining traction internationally, as well as in Pakistan, is that of ‘panel interviews’, a recruitment tool which involves multiple interviewers (usually including an HR Manager as well as concerned Line Managers).

To conduct effective panel interviews, factor in the following:

1. Outline job descriptions. Each panellist must be aware of the job description (JD) and key performance indicators (KPIs) of the vacancy that has to be filled. The responsibility to outline JDs and KPIs lies with the Line Manager. Once these have been prepared, they should be shared with the panel, preferably a few days before the interview so they can be reviewed.

2. Develop key interview questions. To ensure that candidates are evaluated effectively, panellist must schedule a meeting to brainstorm ideas and finalise the interview questions prior to the interview. This will ensure that a combination of behavioural, competency-based and situational questions are asked, which will help the panel understand a candidate’s personal and professional outlook.

3. Designate a leader. One member is chosen as the lead interviewers, usually the HR Manager. S/he is responsible for coordinating the logistics of the interview (scheduling a mutually convenient date, time and venue) and providing relevant details to the panel (candidates’ resumes, JDs and KPIs). On the day of the interview, the leader should welcome the candidate , introduce the panel, explain the process and keep the interview session on track by ensuring that all questions are asked in a professional, friendly and timely manner.

4. Conduct a post-interview meeting. The ideal time to assess a candidate’s suitability for a vacancy is immediately after the interview, as the interaction is still fresh in the interviewers’ mind. The leader should ensure that the opinions of all members are heard and a decision is made by consensus.

By Zeeshan Lakhpaty. The writer is a professional corporate trainer and international speaker.

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