Democracy Suffer Because Of Corruption

Democracy suffers from the unhealthy and corrupting influence of political parties

Political parties employ all means, fair or foul, to defeat their rivals and capture political power. At election time, they mercilessly butcher truth and shamelessly proclaim falsehood. The people are misled and bamboozled by false propaganda. They even use open or disguised bribery and intimidation to win elections. Party bosses dominate politics, and sacrifice national interests at the altar of party interests Professor Barket remarks about democracy that when “all is said and done, it means the rule of the few manipulators who can collect suffrages in their own favour with the greatest success.”

It is not a stable form of government

Sir Henry Maine said that “popular governments lack stability. They have been repeatedly overturned by mobs and armies in combination,” because “they rest upon universal suffrage, which is the natural basis of tyranny.” Hence, he adds, this form of government does not have a long future before it, but has an “ephemeral duration.” There is some truth in this assertion. There is a danger in the democracy to become perverted by mob- rule, a danger which Aristotle had pointed out long, long ago. It is shown by the history of revolts and revolutions in many democratic governments in several parts of the world, e.g., France, Latin American Republics, etc.

Democracies are weak in times of war and crises

Experience of the two World Wars and the rise of dictatorships in Europe have shown that the Western democracies are slow in planning and weak in action during war and other national crises. This is due to the fact that democratic processes are slow and democratic decision is made after discussion and consultation. That is why some critics complain that parliaments are mere “talking shops” which hinder governmental action. Lord Baldwin remarked that “democracy is always two years behind the dictatorship.”


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