Forbearance, Righteousness & Prophethood

Muslims are expected to be God fearing and Righteous in every walk of life. For this the basic requirement is that, the Muslims have firm belief in the doctrine of Hereafter and the Muslim rulers should order the subjects to perform noble deeds if necessary with force of law and iron hand.

All Muslims should realize to differentiate between the lawful and the unlawful acts and earnings and the society should be free from all sorts of corruptions and social evils. All the laws of the land should be made in cons once with the commandment of Allah and Sunnah to make people righteous if not willingly then by the force of law.

Prophethood:  According to a rough estimate Allah sent about one lakh twenty four thousands prophets, beginning from Hazrat Adam (AS) and ending on the Holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). Being Muslims we have to believe in all these prophets and Books/gospels revealed unto some of them (the original ones without manipulations) .

Allah sent all these Prophets to preach Unicity of Allah and to leave idol worship and polytheism. As and when the prophet unto the people who had gone astray and become way laid.


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