MBA with a background in engineering – Workplace Sanity

Dear Workplace Sanity, I am an engineering graduate who decided to do an MBA with the perception that my field of engineering does not have growth. The problem is I am regretting this decision because of two reasons. Firstly, I am now told that doing an MBA with a background in engineering will reflect extremely negatively in my resume and therefore my chances are slim of being offered a job based on an MBA. Secondly. I have no engineering related work

Given that by the time I finish my MBA it will be nearly three years since I completed my Bachelor’s degree in engineering, I will probably be unable to find a job in engineering. These thoughts are haunting me continuously as I no meaningful career in my future. Please advise whether my fears are true and how to control the
situation. I really need your advice on this issue. ‘Really Scared Graduate

Dear Really Scared Graduate, First, are you basically a good person ? Meaning, you listened to the advice of family and friends followed conventional wisdom in selecting your subjectd and choosing a major, studied really hard, and did what you were supposed to do. Yes? Then wekome to a pool of I million of people who are EXACTLY like you. While I am welcoming you, this is not necessarily a good thing! Along with every other ‘good’person like yourself, you will struggle in your CAREER.

Why, you ask? I did what I was told and everyone else is also doing the same thing! You just answered your own question. You are just like I everyone else, simply doing /what you think It takes to land a JOB! If you just wanted a job, then you didn’t need to waste your time, money and energy on engineering and MBA degrees. You could have basically done anything that paid. You are scared now because deep down inside you want more than just a JOB; you actually want a CAREER, which lies at the intersection of three areas: Your Strengths (Skills), Your Passion (Interests) and What the World Needs. Your education should essentially help you to discover this ‘Sweet Spot’; it should not just lead you to a job. Now pause, reflect, and go find your CAREER!

All the success! Workplace Sanity!

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