Najeeb Ullah Khan Niazi of PP-48 Bhakkar

Mr Najeeb Ullah Khan NiaziMr Najeeb Ullah Khan Niazi is a member of 16th Assembly (2013-till date) and belongs to constituency PP-48 (Bhakkar-II). His current official position is being a member of Transport. He doesn’t have any party affiliation and is an Independent candidate. His public support comes from his public service, charity, living for his community and helping the needy people.

Mr Najeeb Ullah Khan Niazi is a Bachelor of Arts by academic background. By profession he is a Landlord and belongs to a family of landlords who were influential people in their societies. He is living a harmonious life with his family and has nurtured four obedient, dutiful and healthy children. He was born in Mianwali on 3rd October 1964.

Mr Najeebs permanent contact is (a) Dera Zafarullah Khan, Chak No. 185, TDA Bhakkar (b) Caltex Petrol Pump, Jhang Road, Bhakkar.  He has also held official positions in past. He was a member of District Council from 1991-1993. He was also a member of Provincial Assembly of Punjab from 1997-1999. His brother Inam-ullah Khan Niazi has also been an active political activist, he has been in Provincial Assembly of Punjab twice one from the year 1993-1996 and other from the year 1997-199.

He is Muslim by religion and his office contact number is 0453-514475. His mobile number is 0300-7789000. You can also reach him at his email id which is

Najeeb Ullah Khan Niazi died of heart attack on 04th October, 2014

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