Nature Of Political Science

Human life is a choice between alternatives, and it depends up< what kind of choice is made. This is true both of individuals as well as the people or nation as a whole. For instance, when an individual, as young man, leaves his home, his past experience and guidance in his family his school, his religion and culture may be of help to him. But choice is 1 own, which will decide whether his life will be good and happy or not. will determine his future, his fate.

The same is true of a people or antic They too are guided by their past history, their religion and culture. But all this their choice is between two alternatives which will determine o way or the other their future development and progress. “Wrong answer can lead to poverty, misery and even the collapse of civilizations. Rig answers can lead to freedom, plenty and peace.” Social choice, that is, t choice of the people or nation, “is the essence of politics and politic science is the study of organizations, or the fusing of individuals into soc structures which make social choices.

It is the study of the process, or t methods, by which choices are made. Finally, it is the study of the price or choices themselves (often called theories, philosophies or ideologies) their consequences, whether they lead to golden ages or holocausts.” short, politics is the source material of Political Science. Every Politic scientist observes politics closely and builds his science on the basis of 1 observations, assimilations and conclusions. It is this intellectual leap practical politics to theoretical politics which gives rise to Political Science S’


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