Patriotism Rather Than Nationalism Is Good For Pakistan

While the political parties of Pakistan are busy in campaign of forthcoming elections, nationalist parties continue to exploit the emotions

of poor and uneducated people. Multitude of political parties proves our divergence of thoughts. One of the definitions of nationalism is the desire for political independence of people who feel they are historically and culturally a separate group within a country. The zeal and sacrifices with which we got independence from Britisher manifests us on the map of the world.

The three words of our great leader; unity, faith and discipline make no room for further nationalism in current scenario. It is unfortunate that most of our population in interior is illiterate, thus making them vulnerable to any misguidance.

Recently a nationalist party was launched which claims to be the voice of poor people. Such parties should be banned which promote nationalism; they are actually disturbing the peace in region.

By Izhar Hussain


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