Politics Is Also An Art Of Compromise

One way to overcome conflicts is to compromise over the issues dividing two parties or groups. They may come to an agreement by conceding the demands or views of the other.

Ties as an integrative force:

One should not think that politics is all conflict and nothing else: it 3 also an integrative force. As a matter of fact, the goal of political struggle to bring about a new social order in the State. But then what next? Should new social, order, once achieved, become a permanent order, in which would be no more political conflict? Some political thinkers, ally in the past ages, believe it to be so. They think that it is a moral , which should not be disturbed.

Even some behavioral political tists1 assert that political conflict establishes an equilibrium, which d be disturbed as little as possible. But great political thinkers declare conflict and integration are only stages in the everlasting political: t: producing ever higher levels of social order, because every social is a partial integration of the society. It gives rise to a new political r* with a better programmed for greater integration of the society, ‘”ore politics is a continuous conflictive-integrative process to integrate society more and more. Maurice Diverge writes; “Every attack on the social order implies the image and anticipation of a superior, more tic order. Every conflict implies a dream of integration and represents an effort to bring it into being.” Thus will come into being a higher soci order and thus will arise a world of-harmony!


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