President Ayub Khan – Brief Profile

After taking powers, Ayub Khan abrogated the Constitution of 1956, imposed ban on political parties and froze their bank accounts. The Press and Publications Ordinance 1960 was employed to clip the wings of criticism on the regime.

General Ayub appointed a Commission on 17 February 1960 to report on the future political framework, which was more in accord with his thinking, and in no way accountable to the people. The Commission he appointed was headed by the former Chief Justice of Pakistan, Mr. Justice Mohammad Shahabuddin, and had ten other members, five each from East Pakistan and West Pakistan, composed of retired judge, lawyers, industrialists and landlords.

The Commission prepared a lengthy questionnaire of 40 items. 9,000 copies of the questionnaire were printed in English and 19,000 copies in Urdu and Bengali translation.


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