Refreshing Summer Foods – to keep yourself hydrated

With summer in full swing , it is more important than ever to keep yourself hydrated to avoid heat-induced fatigue, headaches, nausea and dizziness. Instead of glowing down high-caffeine, carbonated beverages to quench your thirst, add these four healthier and water rich foods to your diet: Cucumber. With 95% water content , this green summer veggi regularly replenishes any water lost in perspiration. Whether you are a salad enthusiast, or enjoy dips, soups and pickles, cucumbers can be used in a host of refreshing recipes. Furthermore, cucumbers contain the immunity boosting vitamin C, substantial amounts of the stress-busting vitamin B and the heart healthy vitamin K.

Watermelon. Made up of 92% of water , watermelons are packed with antioxident that fight against cancer causing free radicals in our bodies. The red watermelons (there are yellow and orange ones as well) contain lycope- a heart healthy compound. Watermelons are a good source of beta carotene, a vitamin B compound that forms a natural protective screen on your skin against harmful ultra violet rays and which reduces the risk of developing skin cancer.

Iceberg lettuce. Containing moderate amount of potassium which regulates blood pressure and heart rate – ideal for cardiovascular patients- crispy, crunchy and refreshing iceberg lettuce can be tossed in salads or used as a low-calorie and high-fiber wrap for tacos and burgers. Packed with iron and folate, gyneacologists recommend iceberg lettuce to expectant mothers to prevent anaemia, while ensuring healthy foetal growth and development.

Aloe vera. Mostly in the news for its cosmetics benefits, aloe vera health benefits are not just skin deep. Its extract are loaded dietary fiber that soothes and cleanses your digestive tract. Ingesting diluted extract of aloe vera leaves has remained a tired and tested todka to relieve symptoms of constipation, diarrhoea and irritable bowel syndrome.

By Saba Gul Hasan. The writer is a nutritionist.

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