The Classless, Stateless Society

This will be the climax of communism. It will be a Stateless society, for the State has withered away. It will also be a classless society, for the classes have been abolished. It will be an anarchistic society of complete freedom of the individual, in which, as Engels puts it, mankind will emerge “from the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom”.

Economically, it will be an age of superabundance of production and one in which each individual will “work according to his ability and get things according to his needs.” Marxist Communism, therefore, aims at the highest perfection of human individuality by creating a social structure “in which the free and full development of every individual forms the ruling principle.”

That is the reason why the Communists believe that, as Joad puts it, “the battle they are fighting, though outwardly waged on behalf of a dispossessed class, is really the battle of the whole of mankind; and it is this conviction, embraced with the intensity bom of a disinterested ideal, which generates the power of self-sacrifice and self-devotion underlying a superficially somewhat arid and doctrinaire programme.”

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