Theory of Class War

Marx’s theory of class war is a necessary conclusion from his materialist conception of history. As we have said above, Marx believed that human history has evolved, not by the rise of new ideas or by great men or by the spread of new beliefs, customs and religions, but as a result of new economic or material methods and conditions of production which give rise to new social classes.

This leads to a struggle between the new and the old classes, victory in which lies with the new ones. In other words, history is nothing but a story of class struggle and conflicts which are waged in all forms and methods political, moral, religious, intellectual, etc. In history, they are known as political revolutions and changes, the rise of new parties and States, new philosophies, new arts, new culture and thought. The class war was waged by different classes at different stages of human history.

As Marx and Engels wrote in the Communist Manifesto: “Freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, baron and serf, guide master and journeyman, in one word oppressor and oppressed, standing constantly in opposition to each other, carried on an uninterrupted warfare, now open, now concealed.” This struggle goes on even today between the capitalist and the working classes.

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