Third Divisioner Student Future In Professional Life 

Dear Workplace Sanity, I am 26 years old. I obtained third division throughout my studies – from Matric to BA. Due to the fact that i made several wrong decisions, I have a gap of a few years between each level of study. I have been working for a small company as a Logistics Assistant for the last nine months. Can i make it to the management level in the corporate sector? If yes, then how? If no, why not? Third Divisioner

Dear Third Divisioner, Low grades do NOT mean you are useless, no good, or that you will never grow in your career. I am here to tell you that even if you fail, you can still be GREAT! Failing is a life experience. The failure is not important. It is what you DO after that failure that makes all the difference. Studies show that successful people have what is called a GROWTH mindset, not a FIXED mindset. I was lucky to learn about mindset firsthand from Dr Carol Dweck of Stanford University. Her research shows that there are two ways of approaching a challenge: taking it as an opportunity to work hard and learn, or taking it as a chance to fail.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Richard Branson are examples of people who achieved unfathomable amount of wealth, status and success with just a Bachelor’s degree and a transcript of failing grades. Their success is a actually in their failure and their growth mindset. They moved forward despite failure, worked hard and learned every step of the way.  In school it was all about grades. In the real world, it is all about experience, attitude and drive. Once you get your first job (congratulations), no one is ever going to ask you what  division or grade you got. In the real world, your ability to adapt, learn, take risks, and get along with others will determine whether you become a manager.

So, do you understand now you need to do? There is plenty of opportunity out there for you. Go forward with a GROWTH mindset and grab it!
All the success! Workplace Sanity

    3. sajid mahmood

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