Pakistan Middle Class: 18th Largest in World

Pakistan Middle ClassA global financial services company named as Credit Suisse has revealed in their Global Wealth Report 2015 that Pakistan contains 18th largest middle class in the whole world. However total population of middle class-adults in Pakistan is emerged as 5.7% while India has 3% and Australia has 66% in the year of 2015.

Study also revealed that 0.9% is calculated as middle-class Pakistan adults among the worldwide middle-class population. It is pertinent to mention that China has 108.7 million middle-class population after United States and Japan who have 91.8 million and 62 million middle-class population respectively in 2015.

Although, Pakistan which consists 6.27 million people in middle class contains third lowest “middle-class lower bound wealth” after India and Ukraine in 2015. Thus, this observation claims that Pakistan usually has lower prices due to which several people emerge in middle-class.

Similarly, Credit Suisse further disclosed that total wealth of amount $495 billion has calculated in Pakistan in 2015. However Pakistan has increased by 7.4% in total wealth during the past 15 years as $170 billion total wealth was calculated in 2002 in country. Meanwhile report further revealed that 90% of Pakistani adults hold less than $10,000 total wealth as only 0.1% adults contain total wealth of $100,000 and $1 million, in 2015.

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