Workplace Sanity Problems & Solution 

Dear Workplace Sanity, I completed my MD form abroad in 2012; I had planned to take all my medical board examinations right after graduating, but things changed when my husband got a job offer and we had to move overseas. Furthermore, we has an unplanned pregnancy immediately after we settled in our new place.

I tried to study for my boards during my pregnancy, but was unable to concentrate. I did not have the stamina to put in the long hours required to pass my exams. After having a baby last fall, I have been trying to study, but it is not going well. My biggest worry is that i have nothing to show on my CV and it will be two years this coming fall since i graduated. If touch are out of the field doing nothing for about three years or more you can forget about a residency. I love my baby and she is my first priority; hence, I am trying to find something to just fill my resume fill my resume until se is older. I am lost and confused as to what i should do to fill the gap in my resume. Any ideas?

Baby Break. * Dear Baby Break, Focusing on what you cannot do or cannot have is called being PROBLEM-FOCUSED. Do you know what happens when you orientate your brain towards problems? It becomes conditioned to see more problems! In fact, focusing on the problem pushes you deeper and deeper into what i call the problem pit.

”I cannot study….” ”My CV is messed up…..” ” I am lost and confused…” You are pretty clear about the problem. Focusing on the problem with such intensity is hindering you from seeing the SOLUTION.

I use a SOLUTION-FOCUSED approach in my executive coaching by asking clients to describe to me what they WANT. By staying clear of what they DO NOT want, my clients see the solution all by themselves.

Interestingly, in your letter you already hint at what you want: ” I am trying to find something to just fill my resume until she is older. ” This solution is getting buried underneath the problem. All you need to do now is focus on this solution and look for opportunities that fulfil your defined criteria.

ll the success! Workplace Sanity

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